Pelvic dysfunction is real. Don’t suffer in silence. 

Virtual pelvic floor counseling for those looking for answers and real healing from an expert. Available wherever you are.

Navigating your days in fear of having a leak, accident, or needing to sit down from pain … and your sex life? Yeah, that’s nonexistent at the moment.

You’ve done the doctor-to-doctor shuffle, heard the “it’s just anxiety” line, or been told to “just do some Kegels.” Gee, thanks … but you’re still at square one.

So now what? More Google rabbit holes and dead-end appointments, or just … accept this as your new normal?

With 22+ years as a Physical Therapist, I’ve likely seen what you’re dealing with and can help—or guide you to a specialist who can.

Healing feels like laughing so hard your belly aches–not holding back your joy in life’s best moments out of fear of having an accident.

That spare outfit? It’s collecting dust in your trunk. *heck yes*

It’s reconnecting with your partner without pain, bringing intimacy back into your life.

If no one’s told you, let me be the one to say, ✨It’s NOT in your head

Pelvic floor dysfunction is a real diagnosis and I deal with it all the time.

(And there is nothing to be embarrassed about, bring on the poop talk, I’ve heard it all!)

I’m here to pinpoint your issues and give you a personalized plan so you can take control over your symptoms.

Trust ReefTrust Reef

As creator of the pelvic floor rehabilitation program at my current clinic, I’ve helped 100’s of people heal and end the symptoms that were taking over their lives.

  • “Alison is an expert in pelvic floor rehabilitation. The ability to access her expertise virtually at a reasonable price is a valuable resource for a community that has often struggled to find support. I would encourage anyone who has bowel, bladder, or pelvic pain symptoms to contact her!”

    - Dr. Sharlene Shu, PT.

  • "I immediately felt comfortable. Alison was integral in finally finding the correct diagnosis and helping me treat it. She suggested a procedure that had not been mentioned by any of my doctors. After receiving that procedure and continuing my work with Alison, my symptoms were finally gone!"

    - Jennifer A.

  • “Alison is the best pelvic floor practitioner I have worked with. She really cares and it shows in the high quality of care she provides.

    - Dr. Tim Stone, MHS, PT, DPT

Ready to get started or want to learn more?


…fill out the form below!

Limited spots available as I keep a small case load to ensure quality.

Struggling with symptoms with no clear answer or solution is frustrating. Don’t spend another moment …

→ ​​Wondering if you’re ever going to find your answer … let alone relief.

→ ​​Struggling with incontinence, pelvic pain, pain during sex, or chronic bowel issues

→ ​​Questioning if your pain is caused by anxiety or something your brain is conjuring up … (like you’ve been told by medical professionals).

→ ​​Feeling embarrassed to address your symptoms (no need to ever feel that way here, by the way).

→ ​​Facing pelvic floor issues tied to trauma while avoiding appointments due to the fear and pain of exams—it’s a tough cycle to break.

→ ​​Having your pelvic issues impact your life, like not wanting to wear a diaper on your golf outing after cancer treatment left you with incontinence issues.

→ ​​Worrying if you’ll have an accident picking up your toddler at the playground.

→ ​​Having pelvic symptoms hinder your intimacy and sex life due to pain.

→ ​​Having no answers or support because you don’t have access to a pelvic floor therapist where you live. 

→ ​​Feeling lost, with none of the tips you’ve researched working or helping long term.

Some topics we may dive into

  • → How diaphragmatic breathing can heal the pelvic floor.

  • → Why kegels may be making your symptoms WORSE.

  • → How to take control over your bladder, not the other way around.

  • → That 50% of bowel function is your diet – and how to take power over the other 50%.

  • → The real deal on kegels, and why they aren’t an ideal tool for everyone.

  • → My top strategies and tips for navigating painful sex – and it’s NOT just “relaxing”.

  • → Why, contrary to what you may have been told, that pain isn’t “just your period” *sigh*.

  • → The magical concept of – menopause does NOT have to suck.

  • → My personalized game plan for postpartum pelvic floor care.

  • → Why urinary leakage after having kids is common but isn’t normal.

  • → How to take charge with your mind and body connection, and create great physical change in your body.

  • → How trauma can present as pelvic symptoms.

  • → The shocking inside secret that … your pelvic floor, jaw, and feet are all CONNECTED.

  • → Why pelvic floor symptoms are often ignored in the medical community.

  • → My top tips and strategies you can start today to build your strength and reduce symptoms.

Meet Your Health Counselor

Hey, I’m Alison Valdepenas , DPT, Cert. DN, PRPC - wife of 21 years, mother of 3 teens, and menagerie wrangler that includes … 8 foster/rescue cats, a parakeet, a bearded dragon, a ball python, and my german shepherd.

I’ve spent 22+ years as a Physical Therapist in pelvic floor rehabilitation, and I’m still just as fired up about helping people feel seen and finally heal from their symptoms.

I’m here for anyone who’s felt dismissed, ignored, or stuck in a loop of dead ends when trying to find solutions for their pelvic floor dysfunction.

Whether chronic illness, PTSD, or a house full of kids (or a feisty toddler) makes in-person appointments tough, I’ve got you covered.

Virtual counseling means more accessibility and the more outreach I have to help those who often feel overlooked in pelvic health.

  • → University of South Carolina University Honors College BS in biology 1999, summa cum laude

    → Duke University School of Medicine Doctor of Physical Therapy 2002

    → Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT)

    → Certified Dry Needler (Cert. DN)

    → Pelvic Rehabilitation Provider Certification (PRPC)

    → Certified Menopause Coach